Becoming A Teacher In The UK

If you want to become a teacher in the UK, you need to know the steps to qualification. There are a few points you need to consider such as regional differences in teaching requirements. Once you know the requirements, you can start your journey to becoming a teacher. The Regional Requirements To teach in England […]

Using Tablets in the Classroom

Over the last two decades classroom technology has moved on considerably. Many 90’s students will be familiar with chalkboards, whiteboards, textbooks, film projectors, and bulky computers. Following this, there was the era of slimmer desktop computers and laptops, and we’re now heading down the tablet route. Teachers now use tablets to stay organised, carry out […]

All About Teaching In The UK

Education is the key to success and an assurance of a bright and prosperous future. While many people in contemporary society have run towards the book and pen for success, others have ventured into business and have made it big. But with the changing world and advancements in ICT, a proper education is needed to […]

Learning Shorthand – Can it be done Online?

Shorthand is a very niche and very difficult skill, and it’s used by journalists and reporters to speed up their work processes. With shorthand journalists can write down copy at over 100 words per minute, and they’re then able to read their shorthand back to create news stories. Obviously shorthand is produced by hand, so […]

Design Courses Online

There are many different types of design courses online, and whether you’re looking to create infographics, websites, posters, or banner adverts, there will be a course out there with your name on it. Most of these courses include video walkthroughs, whilst you submit your work online at the end of the course to have it […]

What Makes You a Skilled Teaching Assistant?

Are you vying for a summer job this season? If you’re thinking of becoming a teaching assistant you must have a clear perspective of what the job entails. The pivotal role of becoming one requires experience, skills and a proper certification. Do you have the qualifications for such a profile? The assistant offers support to […]